Itching in the throat after kissing can be one sign of allergies.
One night, a man finds his lips swollen and oral cavity and throat itching. At that time, he just drove home after spending dating partner a warm and pleasant. He immediately remembered that symptoms like this is a sign of sea fish allergy recurrence, but because they do not feel eating fish before, so he let the disorder. Finally the man remembers when a date earlier, her boyfriend who ate seafood menu. How could her boyfriend who ate but also her allergies arise?

As reported in ScienceDaily, an annual scientific meeting of the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI) in Phoenix, on 11 to 16 November, said this sense of wonderment. According to these researchers, even after brushing your teeth and gargle a few hours earlier, kissing can deliver the active ingredient of a food that could be allergic to other people. In the case above, these lovers may kiss shortly after one of them ate the fish of the sea.
According to Sami Bahna, MD, president of the ACAAI, and this is because saliva (saliva), the couple still carry allergen substances (allergens), several hours after food is absorbed by their bodies. When kissing, the exchange of saliva can not be avoided so that the allergen substances can go into the other partner's body and cause allergic reactions of the body.
Not only fish, allergies because kissing can happen to all those who have an allergy to all foods, beverages and certain medications. Symptoms include swollen lips and throat, itchy and red-red, which occurred some time after you kiss. Expert advice on lovers allergy is to avoid consuming food allergen for 16 to 24 hours before kissing your partner, and do not forget to brush your teeth and rinse. However, in some cases, allergies can still occur despite the 24 hours not eating allergen substances.
Not just kissing, allergies can also occur in intimate relationships. Spermicides (anti-sperm), lubricants, latex or even semen from the male partner can also cause allergies in women. Some people are also allergic to chemicals released naturally by the body during physical activity and emotions are heightened during sexual interaction. Dr. Bahna suggested for those who are allergic to semen partner, use condoms or immunotherapy in accordance with the advice of your doctor allergist. In cases that are not severe, preventive measures with an antihistamine can help.
It is estimated that there are many more symptoms of allergies due to kissing and having sex, but are concerned reluctant to disclose, according to Dr. Bahna. In fact by revealing the complaint on allergy specialists, we know the cause of allergies and given appropriate treatment for allergies no longer. So to you, the women, do not hesitate to reveal unusual symptoms that appear after the use of lubricants, condoms or after kissing and having sex. There is no need to suffer for the expression of your love!
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