How could I not? Sex session was able to make you beautiful, as well as eliminate the disease!
Mae West, old Hollywood actress, who is also known as a sex symbol in his day, once said, "An orgasm a day keeps the doctor away ..." Cosmo could not agree with this. The reason is that sexual activity was not only important to maintain their relationship with a partner, but also useful as a natural remedy health carers.

A healthy sex life of course, can improve your quality of life by increasing your body's natural resilience and reduce the risk of various diseases. Each time you reach orgasm, all the fatigue, stress, and pain instantly changed with the feeling that ... ummm, difficult to explain with words! This time, Cosmo will give a little glimpse of the benefits of sex acts. Moreover, rather than taking medication, have not felt much more enjoyable orgasms?
During this time you are diligent visit to the gym, doing a series of fitness for a smooth and regular menstruation. Cosmo quite agree with you this business. Doctors also would suggest you take the time to perform this action. But what if you own already busy with a schedule that is so dense? It's hard to be able to take the time to go to the gym, even though the distance is very close from the office.
Well, according to the study, women who regularly achieve orgasm during sex with a partner (at least three times a week), has a more current period compared with that rarely do so. Hmmm, for Fun Fearless Female like you, of course there is no term lazy to do it, right?
You must never forget to use night cream. Naturally hell, considering that every woman would want a skin that is always fresh, with no interruption of wrinkles. In addition to antiaging cream that has been often loyal to your friends, there are other ways that also help make young, you know. The series of summer sessions with a partner a passionate! Yes, the action of sex hormone estrogen can increase the functions to make skin look smoother, reducing wrinkles on the skin, as well as create a more lustrous hair. So, do not forget to fill your nights with the action of these hormones that stimulate the flow of ya!
Research conducted in the United States explained that sexual activity at least twice every week is capable of producing immunoglobulin A (IgA), which help protect the body from viral and bacterial infections. To prove it, experts divide them into two groups. As a result, couples who engage in sexual activities on a regular basis twice a week, bagging almost 30% higher than IgA which did not. Well ladies, you want to get in on the group which one?
A pile of office work can divert your mind to all that sucks. Not to mention if you're in a deadline pressure. But this should not necessarily be a barrier to sexual activity with a partner. Just relax, darling. Try to make love on a regular basis in the week. According to the study Psychology Journal, women who have sex in the last 24 hours usually have a "stress management" is better. So, this could be the first thing you do when fatigue strikes. After all who the hell can resist all the pleasures of hot action with the him?
Diet in many ways already done, but why the body's dream did not come huh? Do not be sad, ladies! Cosmo brought exciting news for you! Because sexual activity for 30 minutes is tantamount to burn as much as 150 calories. That is, these activities help you to lose weight. Although in general, increasing weight with age, but if you can keep it, you will look more stunning is not it?
Psst, besides that, sex is one sport that can tighten the skin. While doing so, you are able to pump oxygen around the body to create new cells. Appear fresh each time? All you need is an orgasm!
MORE Reasons to orgasm!
Do not stop there, plus a myriad of sexual activity can still be found. So you better have one tonight! According to research at Queen's University, its heart-healthy sex and reduce the risk of heart disease. Able to increase the amount and quality of sperm pairs. Endorphin hormone which increases just before reaching the climax can help reduce pain. Hot action to reduce the likelihood of developing breast cancer thanks to the increased hormone oxytocin and the body's natural steroid called DEHA.
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