Some have argued that sick kepalalah cause, but other experts claim, the exhaustion that made the reluctant wife in action.
Contrary to the opinion of experts, a group of researchers from Wayne State University (Detroit) believe that there are medical reasons that cause a woman to escape when their husbands ask for rations leering.

They found that the brains of women with low libido has a circulation trends are different from women 'normal' in general. The study found, some cells in the brain low berlibido women do not get the blood supply so they are not able to feel the passion that she felt normal.
The team conducted a test comparing 19 women who are diagnosed brain has a low libido with 7 brains of women with normal sexual desires. The scientists asked the women watched erotic films, followed by staring at a blank screen, while their brains were examined by MRI scans. The result?
The findings presented at the annual conference of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine in Denver (Colorado) on October 26, 2010 and then was found, during the hot movies, women are 'normal' experience increased blood circulation in his brain, in contrast to their low berlibido (does not happen anything).
Dr. Michael Diamond who was involved in the study, said, "Through this research, it can be proven that the low willingness to act not merely a result of emotional or social problems alone, but also because there are medical and physical differences that also influence.
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